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Leek Seeds

Leeks are delicious, hardy plants that are members of the onion family. Unlike their relatives, they do not produce bulbs. Instead, Leeks store all their flavour in their juicy stems. 

Discover a variety of Leeks, ideal for growing in open ground, large containers or pots and raised beds. Find common, giant or organic Leeks, and for more pesticide-free options, view our full range of organic products.

Explore our wide selection of affordable Leek seeds. 

Leeks are versatile vegetables with a delicate flavour profile similar to additional alliums, such as onions, garlic, shallots, and chives. The light-coloured parts create a complex base for soups, stews or sautéed dishes, while the darker green leaves are slightly tough and bitter. Throw these parts into a homemade vegetable stock, minimising waste and making the most of your harvest.

Produce healthy, successful crops of Leeks.

Besides leek rust and onion family diseases such as allium moth and leaf miner, leeks are mostly trouble-free to grow. Leeks enjoy a sunny position in well-dug soil, with plenty of organic matter and space between plants for good air movement. Plenty of leek varieties are available, and many are hardy enough to withstand the harshest weather without protection. Musselburgh, for example, has a robust growing habit and resistance to rust. 

Always adhere to the sowing instructions detailed in each product listing. Additionally, view our helpful Sowing Calendar. If you want to create long, white stems, you can also ‘blanch’ your leeks two to three weeks before harvesting them.