Starting at £17.99
Designed for use as a straight product, or for inclusion in our wild flower mixes, Ox-Eye Daisy or Leucanthemum vulgare, is a familiar and attractive grassland perennial and our largest native member of the daisy family. It has a medium tall un-branched stem topped by a solitary composite flower of white rays (petals) surrounding a yellow disc floret. Once you become familiar with them the basal leaves of Ox-Eye Daisy are quite distinctive with their toothed spoon shape and long leaf stalks.
Flowers from May to September. Ox-Eye daisy is also known as moon daisy or dog daisy and its old botanical name was Chrysanthemum leucanthemum.
100g | 500g | 1kg | 2kg | 3kg | 5kg
Sowing & Growing
Ox-Eye Daisy is easily grown from seed sown any time of the year. Sown in the open it germinates readily in both spring and autumn, it’s a pioneer species able to grow and mature quickly in to space other slower developing plants have yet to occupy. As a result, Ox-Eye Daisy is usually the first species in a wild flower mix to flower and can do so quite prolifically, and is often the predominant flower the early years of a newly sown meadow.
This apparent early ‘dominance’ typically short-lived, as it pays a penalty for its rush to get ahead as its quick-grown plants are not so durable and are relatively short-lived; they tend to fade away over time, often replaced by slower developing more persistent perennials like knapweeds and grasses. On many sites the longer-term issue with Ox-Eye is not its perceived dominance, but its lack of persistence: keeping the population going.
As described above, Ox-Eye Daisy does have the potential to regenerate readily from seed providing there are sufficient open gaps available in the sward. Good meadow management will help moderate the dominance of grasses. If this is combined with additional disturbance in late summer/autumn using grazing livestock, harrows or scarification, the necessary openings will be provided for regeneration of oxeye daisy as well as yellow rattle and other wild flowers.
Packet Size | 100g | 500g | 1kg | 2kg | 3kg | 5kg |
Lifecycle | Perennial |
I have just bought all my new seeds for next year’s vegetables after having such great results this year. Budget seeds are so helpful, I’m a newbie in the veg growing world and they have been helpful in choosing the best seeds to start with etc. also much cheaper than elsewhere so if I do mess up in the future it isn’t costing me so much. I thoroughly recommend Budget Seeds for all your veg and flower seeds.
Mrs Morris