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Organic Tomato Gardener’s Delight


Tomato Gardeners Delight, a cherished classic, comes highly recommended for its outstanding taste and abundant yields. This heritage variety predates the 1950s, delivering a generous harvest of petite, flavorful red tomatoes that boast the delightful essence of homegrown goodness. Its impressive cropping capability extends over an extended period, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a continuous supply without overwhelming quantities.

As an indeterminate (cordon) variety, Gardeners Delight benefits from pinching out and staking once it reaches the desired height. This practice encourages the plant to channel its energy into tomato growth and fruit ripening. While we cultivate this variety in our greenhouse with success, it is equally well-suited for outdoor cultivation.

Approximately 8-10 Seeds

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Useful Information

Sowing & Growing

Begin by sowing seeds thinly in seed trays filled with a mixture of seed and potting compost. Alternatively, place 2-3 seeds in small pots and lightly cover them with compost. Gently firm the compost and water with care. Maintain a temperature of about 15-20°C in a heated greenhouse or propagator. Once the seedlings reach a height of 10cm, transplant them into larger individual pots.

“Harden off” the plants for 3-4 days before the final outdoor planting, which should take place from May to June. Space the plants 45cm apart. Planting to a depth of 0.5cm below the seed leaves is recommended for a sturdy plant. This variety is also suitable for greenhouse cultivation in large pots, greenhouse soil, or grow bags.

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Packet Size

Approximately 8-10 Seeds

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