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Wholesale Field Scabious Knautia Arvensis Wild Flower seeds Wholesale

Starting at £69.99

Growing; Seed dormancy is broken by a period of chilling and therefore sowing must occur in late summer or autumn. Cow parsley can be introduced into most meadow mixtures but we would urge caution as it can dominate and once established it is difficult to remove.

Useful Information

Field scabious is a grassland perennial that grows tall and hairy. It has a flower head with blue-violet flowers and pink anthers. The flowers have four unequal petal lobes, especially on the larger outer flowers. It is important to note that Field scabious can be mistaken for Small scabious or Devil’s-bit scabious, which are also part of the teasel family. Small scabious is smaller, slimmer, and less hairy, and its flowers have five petal lobes instead of four. Devil’s-bit scabious can be distinguished from the other two by its dark, un-toothed, broad-lanceolate leaves. Field scabious blooms from June to October. Habitat Information Field scabious is a native perennial herb that thrives in dry, well-drained calcareous and neutral grassland. It can be found in various habitats such as chalk and limestone meadows, rough pastures, hedgerows, verges, and grassy waste grounds. When it is in bloom, it attracts a wide range of pollinators including bees, butterflies, moths, and hoverflies. Growing Information To grow Field scabious, it is recommended to sow the seeds in either autumn or spring. However, it is important to note that germination can be slow and inconsistent.


150 seeds per gram

Additional information


50g | 100g | 250g | 1kg