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Birdsfoot Trefoil Wild Flower

£0.69 incl. VAT

Lotus corniculatus, a perennial plant, is aptly named for easy identification. The common name “Birdsfoot” refers to the distinctive radiating seed pods resembling bird’s feet, while “trefoil” describes the leaves divided into three leaflets. Additionally known as “Eggs and Bacon,” it aptly characterizes the mature flower’s egg yolk colour and the often red bud. Birdsfoot trefoil can be differentiated from Greater birdsfoot trefoil by its smaller stature, lighter green foliage, and solid stem. This creeping, yellow-flowered perennial blooms in grassy locations from May to September.

Approximately 1g

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Sowing & Growing

Plant Birdsfoot trefoil seeds either in Spring or Autumn by sowing them in seed trays and gently covering them with compost. This wildflower is typically easy to germinate, and under favorable conditions, seedlings may emerge within days of sowing. Once the seedlings have developed sufficiently, they can be transplanted and grown on for later planting in the year. Properly stored in cool and dry conditions, the seeds can also be preserved for future use.

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Packet Size

Approximately 1g