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Vegetable, Tomato & Herb Seeds Collection Multi-Pack

Original price was: £29.97.Current price is: £26.99.

Our natural and fresh collections are perfect gardening gifts, each recyclable box contains 10 pictorial packets of seed, with full growing instructions.

Vegetable Collection; Brussel Sprout Evesham Special, Aubergine Long Purple, Leek Musselburgh, Celery Golden Self Blanching, Carrot Early Nantes, Cauliflower All Year Round, Onion Rijnsburger, Cabbage Greyhound, Tomato Moneymaker, Radish French Breakfast.

Tomato Collection; Super Steak, Shirley, Gardener’s Delight, Big Pink F1, Alicante, San Marzano, Yellow Pear, Moneymaker, Black Cherry F1, Gigantomo.

Herb Collection; Thyme, Chives, Marjoram, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Sage, Basil Sweet Genovese, Parsley, Oregano, Rosemary.

3 Boxes

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