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Sweet Pepper Californian Wonder


The standard bell pepper for many decades, Californian Wonder was introduced in 1928 and is still the largest open-pollinated, heirloom bell pepper that you can grow, and a big improvement over the earlier bells. The widely adapted standard variety that is a favourite with gardeners and widely used for commercial production, the plant produces well and does well in both cool and warm weather.

It consistently produces large yields of blocky, four-lobed thick-walled fruit that are mild and sweet, tender and flavourful and with resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. The plant is medium tall, 60 to 70cm with good foliage cover, which provides good scald protection for the fruits. Each plant produces 4 to 5 wonderfully sweet bell peppers. Perfect for all cooking uses from salads, to stir-fries, grilling, stuffing and using in stews and casseroles.

Approximately 20 Seeds

Useful Information

Sowing & Growing

Begin by sowing indoors approximately 8 weeks before the last anticipated frost date, burying the seeds 6mm deep in moist, well-drained seed compost. Maintain an ideal temperature of 21°C for optimal germination, which typically takes 10-14 days.

Once germinated, nurture the plants in cooler conditions ranging from 15-18°C. When the danger of frost has subsided, typically when the plant reaches a height of 10-15cm, transplant with a spacing of 30cm.

Whether grown in a greenhouse or a sheltered sunny garden spot, ensure warm temperatures if planting outdoors, and consider fleece protection until the end of June. Exercise care during transplanting to avoid damage to the delicate roots or stems. Water the plants with a diluted fertilizer solution, repeating every 3-4 weeks throughout the growing period. Water 1-2 times per week, and provide staking if necessary.

The fruit initially appears green and matures to red or yellow. Harvesting can commence when the fruit is slightly unripe, allowing it to ripen on a windowsill. It is advisable to cut the fruit from the stem rather than pulling it off. Harvesting can continue until the onset of the first frosts.

Be vigilant against aphid and whitefly attacks, employing control measures as needed to protect your crop. Retain seeds from the fruit, drying them on a paper towel for 24 hours. These seeds can be sown in the following spring for continued cultivation.

Additional information

Packet Size

Approximately 20 Seeds

SKU SWEET-PEPP-CALI-WND Category Tags , , , , ,